Friday, August 28, 2009

Sometimes I don't feel like writing...

And you know what? This is my blog and I don't have to if I don't want to! Ha!
::maturity level check::

Yea, I know it's been a while, but I have plenty of excuses? Wanna hear some?

1. I've been busy. No really! The semester begun (and Fall semester is always the busiest start) and I've been doing work on the side for Steve's company.

2. My carpal tunnel has flared up big time. It's subsiding now, but for a while there I was looking for every excuse not to type.

3. My life is boring. (Ok, I know that doesn't count because my life has always been boring and that didn't stop me from starting a blog)

First things first - kitty update! I swear they are like my children. I can't wait to see them when I get home from work and they just brighten our lives up so much! Here is my most recent favorite picture of them.
Dublin is getting so big. Besides playing catch with my hair ties, his newest trick is carrying the bag of treats to the bed or to the floor next to the bed. He looks at us like he is such a good boy and deserves one (or 2 or 3 or 4...or 5).

Next up - update on VSG. My psychological evaluation is on Sept. 21st. It will be four hours long! I will need to take the whole day off since it is about an hour drive each way. I am trying to schedule my chest x-ray for the same day since they are both in the same town. My psych appt is at 12 so I should be able to squeeze it in in the morning. In surprising news, my insurance paid for my EKG. I guess the doctor coded it just the right way, so that was great. Once my psych eval and chest x-ray is done, I will be all set to schedule the surgery. My boss came down for a visit a couple weeks ago and I told him about the surgery. He was very supportive. Very nervous for me, but very supportive and told me not to even worry about my job and just to worry about myself. Whew!

Tonight I'm going to an Broadway across America show of Grease! Too bad I'm so darn tired!! This time next year will be so different...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Clearance 1 - check!

Yesterday, I went to my primary care physician. Wierd thing about this is that I've never actually seen the doctor. I always see the physician assistants. One time, I was super sick and they said the only PA available was Mary Theresa and she was new. I was desperate and usually don't care who I see, so I said sure. Now, she is all I will see. I LOVE her. I've never loved a doctor like this. She is amazing. Even knowing all of this, I was scared to tell her about the surgery. I knew that no matter what she said, in the end I would have a doctor that supports me because I would just move practices. Well, no worries - I'll be staying put! She was super encouraging and said that she is a "big fan". She performed my EKG as part of the clearance and signed off that I am a low risk patient and a good candidate for WLS. Woohoo!! I put a call into the surgery scheduler after my appointment yesterday, but I haven't heard back from her. I have a couple questions for her, but it seems like I'll be able to schedule a date soon! Next, I have to meet with a psychologist. I don't mind seeing one and I'm sure it will be helpful, but I have to drive 45 minutes to the appointment and take off of work for it. And considering I don't have a heck of a lot of paid time off, I am saving those hours for the big operation!

I still haven't told my boss. I want a firm date first. Because after his initial concerns about me (he is a kind man and considers us all his family), the first question will be when and how long. Hopefully I will be able to tell him soon!

Monday, August 3, 2009


This past weekend, Steve and I spent every waking hour working on our front living/dining room. Friday night we measured, moved, and hung. Saturday and Sunday we spent both days shopping for bargains and even last night we were up til 1am hanging up pictures. I am getting sooooo excited. But also very impatient - I just want it done!! It is going to be so beautiful that I can't wait to see it. Oh well.

In other news, my carpal tunnel has flared up big time. It has been bothering me for the past couple of weeks, but it is becoming dibilitating. I can't grip anymore and my right hand is
constantly tingling and usually hurting. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday at 3pm to discuss it and get my clearance for surgery. The receptionist was nice on the phone when I mentioned the clearance. She said "oh ok - no problem". Seems promising. I would guess that they get this a lot now that the lap band and gastric bypass are so commonplace. I am hoping to schedule the surgery for the week of October 22. I would like to hold a big information session on October 13th or 14th for the MBA program that I recruit for before I take off for a little while. I haven't told my boss yet. I'm going to wait until I have the chance to talk to him in person or I get a firm date set, whichever comes first.

Yesterday evening, Steve and I watched Michael Moore's documentary, Sicko. It was so disturbing. It makes me so fired up to write to our congressmen. I think I will draft a letter and send it every week. I was 50% serious when I asked Steve his thoughts about moving to Canada. Too bad it's cold and our families would be too far.

Speaking of family, this is my favorite picture from last weekend's Triplet Trip!

They are getting SO BIG!!!!!